


Hello, fellow cosmic travelers. I'm Lunita, I live in Mexico City, and witchcraft is my passion. I am vowed to the path of Divine Love and Light. My path began after meeting my ancestors, guides, and angels during an ayahuasca ceremony. They were my first teachers and were responsible for opening my gifts. During my sessions, I make contact with your guides and angels. They are the ones who lead the session because they always know what to say and do for the highest good. I employ a number of tools in my craft, including channeling, tarot, astrology, hypnosis, crystals, energy healing, nordic runes, and the pendulum. I offer sessions online and in person; in English or Spanish.

Hello, fellow cosmic travelers. I'm Lunita, I live in Mexico City, and witchcraft is my passion. I am vowed to the path of Divine Love and Light. My path began after meeting my ancestors, guides, and angels during an ayahuasca ceremony. They were my first teachers and were responsible for opening my gifts. During my sessions, I make contact with your guides and angels. They are the ones who lead the session because they always know what to say and do for the highest good. I employ a number of tools in my craft, including channeling, tarot, astrology, hypnosis, crystals, energy healing, nordic runes, and the pendulum. I offer sessions online and in person; in English or Spanish.

Example Services

Example Services

Past Life Regression

Dissolve chords and contracts, heal past trauma, resolve karma, and gain soul sovereignty.


Learn why you chose to be born under those particular stars and how the heavens support your life journey.

Opening Clairs

Explore your gifts and learn to use them daily, open and follow your deep intuition, and know you are on your path towards your purpose.

Deep State Hypnosis

Reach the voice of your higher self, learn your purpose, and understand what it all means.


Hear from lost loved ones, feel their presence, receive their advice, and heal old wounds between you.

Meet Angels & Guides

Communicate with your higher team, feel their love for you, and remove any blocks to your growth.