May 4, 2023

The following incantation is for inviting in the guardians of all seven directions:
Raphael in the East, Michael in the South, Gabriel in the West, Uriel in the North, Metatron Above, Sandalphon Below, and the Source Within.
Before beginning, set up your sacred circle (see this article for basic instructions on creating a liminal space). Cleanse each participant with sage and/or palo santo. During the incantation, have all participants face the direction of the guardian you are currently invoking with their hands raised in that direction. When invoking the guardians of above, below, and within, all face the center of the circle. For above, lift the hands and gaze above. For below, kneel and touch the Earth. For within, place your hands over your heart. When the cantor ends each section with “Aho”, the response from everyone is “Aho”.
Archangel Raphael
Guardian of the East
Keeper of the Dawn
Bringer of Spring
Whose element is Air
Whose aspect is Mind
Coming in Yellow Robes
Fringed in Purple
Carrying the Caduceus
Send your Green Healing Flame
Hold the space, hold the space, Aho
Archangel Michael
Guardian of the South
Keeper of Midday
Bringer of Summer
Whose element is Fire
Whose aspect is Will
Coming in Scarlet Robes
Fringed in Green
Carrying the Flaming Sword
Send your Blue Purifying Flame
Hold the space, hold the space, Aho
Archangel Gabriel
Guardian of the West
Keeper of Sunset
Bringer of Autumn
Whose element is Water
Whose aspect is Emotion
Coming in Blue Robes
Fringed in Orange
Carrying the Goblet
Send your White Cleansing Flame
Hold the space, hold the space, Aho
Archangel Uriel
Guardian of the North
Keeper of Midnight
Bringer of Winter
Whose element is Earth
Whose aspect is the Body
Coming in Green Robes
Fringed in Brown
Carrying the Pentacle
Send your Red Grounding Flame
Hold the space, hold the space, Aho
Divine Song Incarnate
Guardian Above
Keeper of Compassion
Bringer of Love Divine
Coming Clothed in Golden Light
Descend with the Christ Grid
Cover our Sacred Space
Fill our Crown
Fill our Mind
Fill our Voice
Fill our Heart
Anchor there, we pray, Aho
Protector of Gaia
Guardian Below
Keeper of the Deep
Bringer of our Mother's Love
Coming Clothed in Silvery Light
Ascend with the Earth Grid
Support our Sacred Space
Fill our Root
Fill our Belly
Fill our Center
Fill our Heart
Anchor there, we pray, Aho.
I Am & All That Is
Guardian of Within
Keeper of the Self
Bringer of the Truth
Whose element is Void
Whose aspect is Consciousness
Only One Yet Always All
Awaken us this Day
You are the Space, You are the Space, Aho